
Episode 7-B (Your Intuition… Dig Deep & Listen to What Your Body Is Telling You)

March 20, 2023 Alicia Nunes Episode 7

Sometimes what we were programed to do and what we are told is "normal" does not apply to us.  For example:  If you have a work week with "unusual hours".  Then what is expected of most people would and may not apply to you, SO>>> you need to learn how to dig deep into your gut, LISTEN, and ASK your intuition!!! Be VERY sensitive AND OPEN MINDED to what it tells you!!!  It will tell you what feels right for YOUR BODY & MIND at that time.... if you listen close enough you will get specific instructions as to what course of action would be best for your body & mind under the circumstances of "YOUR LIFE" with all of it's specifications...

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